Our Curriculum

The philosophy and values of the school are implemented through our curriculum and pedagogy. All learning programs are based on;

The Early Years Learning Framework in preschool.

The Australian Curriculum and required content from kindergarten to year 6, is delivered through an integrated model when authentic links can be made.

Key Learning Areas:

Further Information regarding the Australian Curriculum is available from the links below:

Extra-curricular activities

We offer a wide range of experiences and challenges that enrich our curriculum. We use the talents and experiences of others from outside of the school, in combination with the talents and interests of staff within our school.

These experiences include regular lunchtime programs, which will vary from year to year depending on student interest and teacher skill. These include activities such as chess, gardening, cooking, band, Taekwondo, ICT clubs and dance.

Students also have the opportunity to assume leadership roles, to be active citizens, and to be involved in the life of the school. We have Student Representative Council (SRC), House Captains, Playground Leaders, Sports Equipment Leaders, Breakfast Club Leaders and our Buddies program.